I love technology. Many things that have been generated by technological. Have you thought of wearing a cloak that makes you invisible ? Although the cloaks may sound like something from Harry Potter, researchers in London were today given the go ahead for a £4.9 million project to create a real invisibility suit. In Rowling's stories, Harry Potter uses his cloak to move around his school unseen. Today, researchers at Imperial College said such a garment could soon become a reality. They hope to create a cloak from a new material that can manipulate light. We can see an object when light hits an object, it bounces off the surface and into the eye and making the object visible. The invisibility cloak made from 'meta-material' would work by 'grabbing hold' of light waves and making them flow smoothly around an object, in the same way that water in a river flows round a stick. Putting the cloak on would render the wearer invisible to the human eye. The team at Imperia...