Hollywood actress Jennifer Aniston (41) feels times have changed. According to her, women no longer need a man to have a child.
That was revealed when Jennifer held a press conference of her latest film, 'The Switch' in Beverly Hills, United States. In the film, Jennifer Aniston plays as a pregnant woman by using a sperm donor.
“Women are realizing it more and more knowing that they don’t have to settle with a man just to have that child,” she said.
“Times have changed and that is also what is amazing is that we do have so many options these days, as opposed to our parents’ days when you can’t have children because you have waited too long.”
“The point of the movie is what is it that defines family? It isn’t necessarily the traditional mother, father, two children and a dog named Spot,” she adds. “Love is love and family is what is around you and who is in your immediate sphere. That is what I love about this movie. It is saying it is not the traditional sort of stereotype of what we have been taught as a society of what family is.”
Ok. What do you think? Technically, women do get pregnant without a man because it's just need sperm from man. But the presence of a man still will make a difference.
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ya that,s true.The line is great.Now women can become mom without a man.this is rude but fact for man.