Earthquake rocked the western coast of Sumatra, yesterday. The first quake occurred at 15:38 local time (GMT+07), Wednesday (April 11th, 2012), a magnitude 8.5 on the Richter scale with epicenter 346 kilometers southwest of Simeulue Island, Aceh. The quake was followed by at least 16 aftershocks. Furthermore, at 17:43 pm, another earthquake with a strength of 8.8 on the Richter scale, centered at 483 kilometers from Simeulue. The quake was followed by 11 aftershocks. The epicenter is on at 2:31 North Latitude, 92.67 East Longitude, or about 146 Southwestern Simeulue in Aceh with a depth of approximately 10 kilometers. This earthquake was also felt to Singapore, Malaysia, India, and Thailand.
The Indonoesian agency of Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics (BMKG) also issued a tsunami warning threat. At 19:45, a new tsunami warning is terminated. Tsunami warning issued for 27 countries - region bordering the Indian ocean. Well, judging by the earthquake, it is actually quite a large force. With 8.5 on the Richter scale and 8.8 on the Richter scale followed, a large tsunami could happen. However, although hit several areas, namely Meulaboh, Sabang and Lahewa, it turns out the tsunami is a small tsunami - very small tsunami.
Why? Head of Data Center for Information and Public Relations of the National Disaster Sutopo Purwo Nugroho explained that the reason only a small tsunami related to the location of the epicenter and fault movement. The epicenter occurred outside the subduction zone.
Subduction zones are zones where two plates meeting. Known, the first earthquake and numerous aftershocks that occurred centered in the western of subduction zone, away from the mainland island of Sumatra. The quake was different with the earthquake in Aceh in 2004. If the epicenter was outside of subduction zones, tsunami potential stay there, but smaller.
Based on the monitoring of BMKG, the tsunami that occurred just as high as 80 centimeters in Meulaboh at 17:04 pm and 6 cm in Sabang at 17.00 pm. Meanwhile, the monitoring of Bakosurtanal is also not much different. In Meulaboh, only 1.02 meter high while in Lahewa (North Nias) is only 1 meter.
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